Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Facts about The Republic of Zambia

The country Zambia is bordered by Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Zimbabwe and a few other African countries. Zambia is a little larger than Texas and its landscape is for the most part savanna. Zambia is also home to Victoria Falls, one of the seven wonders of the world, which is a waterfall (its "local name" is Mosi-oa-Tunya, meaning The Smoke That Thunders).

Zambia's economy has experienced much growth especially with a rebound in copper prices and maize crops however it still needs work. Despite the growing economy Zambia still suffers from serious poverty. In Zambia only 2.3% of the population is over 65, compared to a 13% in America. Out of 1,000 live births, 99.92 Zambian infants die opposed to the 6.14 in America. The people of Zambia suffer not only from diseases including malaria and typhoid fever but also HIV/AIDS, the most devastating of all. In Zambia there are 1.1 million people living with AIDS and 56,000 deaths. But AIDS does not just make a victim of the body it destroys, this disease makes a victim of the family. Children are often orphaned because parents have died from AIDS. This trend does not tend to support eduction and while around 80% of Zambia is literate (able to read and write) the total number of years a student can expect to attend a school is 7. In America, a student can expect to be in school for up to (or more than) 16 years.

Zambia is a very interesting and very unique African country. There is alot to learn, so for more facts check out: CIA-The World Factbook

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