Monday, September 6, 2010

My First Journal Entry-- June 16th

Throughout my trip I tired to journal and write about what was happening so I am going to share my journal entries through this blog. This was the first entry I wrote, it was on June 16th which was the day we spent in London.
6:29 p.m.(London Time)- Yesterday we left BG at a little past 3 and while it was hard to say goodbye to my family I was so excited and anxious for this amazing experience to start! The bus ride went really quickly and once we got to Boston it took us a while to unload all of our bags and then even longer to get carts and distribute all the bags among the students. It took multiple carts and multiple trips but we eventually figured it all out and everyone had their two checked bags and their two carry-on bags. We got to the airport sooo early so we grabbed a drink at Starbucks and had dinner at "Wok and Roll" a Japanese restaurant in the Logan Airport. After everyone ate we all kind of ended up at the gate for our flight but we still had about 4 hours or so to kill so we ended up playing card games! We were all playing spoons (with straws...) on the floor of the airport and two young guys came and played with us too. Soon enough we were so close to the departure time and the anticipation grew by the minute. Once we boarded the plane I fell asleep and unfortunately I slept through dinner...but I woke up sometime during the night and watched a movie on the TV. I fell asleep again during the movie but Jaci woke me up for breakfast (tea and a cranberry muffin) and we realized that we were in London! This was my very very first time out of the country and I was beyond thrilled! We arrived at about 9 in the morning London time ( roughly 4 a.m. American time) and immediately went to sight see! Brother Don lead us all through London, we took the tube to Leicester Square where we walked around and saw Big Ben and Parliament(photo to above right)! We also ate at this place called Cafe in the Crypt, the food was not too good but we did enjoy the tea. While in London we also ate soft serve ice cream (which was amazingly delicious!). In London we saw so many exciting things! There was a demonstration in a park, we saw a man playing the bagpipes on the streets, Brother Don showed us old castles, we visited St. Maragarets Chruch in Westminster Abbey, we walked by the London Eye, and we all had fun with the telephone booths(photo below)! Lastly we went to Buckingham Palace but by the end of our day in London everyone was exhausted from walking all over the city and seriously jet lagged. We all took the tube back to Heathrow Airport where we washed up in "the toilets, " we washed our faces and changed our t-shirts, it was extremely refreshing after a day on the plane and a day in London. Jaci and I also bought sandwiches and a chocolate bar to snack on while we waited for our flight to Lusaka (soo exciting!). Finally the chaperons called us to go get our flight, we had to take a train ride to a detached terminal where we boarded our plane. Unfortunately the flight began a little dramatically, some of the seats were not next to each other and one student had a completely unnecessary breakdown that brought down every one's mood. However, the flight attendants were extremely understanding and bent over backwards to try and make us all comfortable, and we greatly appreciated it.
7:38 p.m.(London Time)- So the flight was supposed to leave at 6:50 no one is exactly sure why the flight is so delayed right now but I guess I'll just get settled and comfortable because I've got a ten hour flight ahead of me...
7:53 p.m.(London Time)- Well the pilot just announced that one of the flight attendants is sick so they need to get a replacement crew member which I guess means we have about an hour until we can leave London, I'm feeling so so exhausted but I'm trying my best to stay awake so that I will sleep during the flight
9:41 p.m.(London Time)- WOOHOOO! We are finally in the air and it is beyond exciting! We took off at 9:28 p.m. which was about 2 hours behind schedule but that's ok because the pilot thinks we will be able to make up lost time in the air. While its kind of a bummer that we're behind schedule we did get to see a beautiful and vibrant sunset over the city of London which was a great way to say good-bye to my first day in an international city!

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