Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm Home!

It has been almost two months since I returned home from Zambia. I came home with so many new perspectives and opinions. I cannot even express the influence this trip has had on my life. Three and a half weeks immersed in a culture so foreign to me has forever altered my view on living. Zambia is a country that is rich in spirit but poor in money, and as cliche as it sounds there is only truth in that statement. The people of Zambia are kind and welcoming, they were inspiring. However, these wonderful souls live in a state of poverty unlike any other and it is absolutely heart wrenching to watch. During my stay in Africa I visited a Catholic High School, multiple primary schools, and an orphanage. These are experiences that will stay with my forever.
Throughout my trip I kept a journal, and while I was not as diligent with my entries as I had hoped I am going to post something detailing everyday I was there. In addition to the journal posts I have photos that I am going to share. I hope that this information from my trip can inspire you as they have inspired me.
In Zambia I learned how fortunate I am. I met people who wake up not knowing when they will have their next meal and I wake up every morning with an abundance of food at my disposal. I met people who have one or two outfits to get them through the year and I have a closet full of clothes that I should appreciate much more than I do. I met young children without blankets or stuffed animals and as a child I was never without a toy. I met children who used grocery bags for backpacks and when I was in grade school I had a new backpack every year. I met people who, even though they had nothing, told me they were grateful and appreciative for what God had blessed them with. All I can hope is that God blesses me the way He has blessed them, because then I too will be a very lucky person.

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